Wekelijks radioprogramma op radio RQC 95.0 FM of DAB 12B, elke donderdag van 20 - 22u.
Emission hebdomadaire sur radio RQC 95.0 FM ou DAB 12B, chaque jeudi de 20 à 22 heures.
Weekly radioshow on radio RQC 95.0 FM or DAB 12B, every thursday 20 - 22h Central European Time.

woensdag 10 februari 2021

temporary unavailable

tijdelijk onbeschikbaar de komende maanden wegens revalidatie na ongeval
temporary unavailable in the coming months due to rehabilitation after an accident 
temporairement indisponible dans les prochains mois en raison d'une réhabilitation après un accident

donderdag 4 februari 2021

Playlist 2021 february 4

Bill Logsdon & The Royal Notes - Spitfire (1960)
Richard 'Rabbit' Brown - Sinking Of The Titanic (1927)
Sister Clara Hudman - Now Is The Needy Time (1930)
Hoyt Scoggins & The Georgia Boys - What's The Price (To Set Me Free) (1957)
Buz Butler - Rubber Ball Bounce (1950)
The Five Blind Boys - Just A Little While (1964)
One String Sam - My Baby Ooo (1956)
John Lee - Rythm Rockin' Boogie (1958 released)
Roosevelt Sykes - Keep Your Hands Off Her (1935)
The Boogie Man - Do The Boogie (1949)
Shelton Dunaway & Cookie's Cupcakes - Betty & Dupree (1960)
Frankie Lee Sims - What Will Lucy Do? (1957)
Mark Evans - Gang's House (196?)
Alvin Gaines & The Themes - Let's Jump The Broomstick (1959)
The X-Cellents - Hey, Little Willie (1965)
Pandora And The Males - Kiddie A Go Go (1965)
The Sonics - Shot Down (1965)
Tav Falco's Panther Burns - Red Headed Woman (1996)
Hi-Strung Ramblers - If You're Not Around (2010)
The Bad News - Stop Messin' Around (2021)
Weird Owls - Raise Your Head (2020)
3 Minute Riot - 3MR (2020)
Videodrome - Black Hole (Trash On!!!)
Chamanes - Chicas Bikini (Bikini Girls With Machine Guns) (2012)
The Niftys - Take A Little Run (2019)
Froggy & The Ringes - Froggy & The Ringes (Soft 'G') Theme (2020)
Kotomichi - Waiting For You (2019)
Nerve Button - Nikki Got Her Knickers Kicked (2020)
Zero Zeroes - 7070's (2020)
Murphy's Law - Sit Home And Rot (1986)

Ingekort omwille van avondklok 
Reducé a raison de couvre-feu 
Reduced by curfew