Wekelijks radioprogramma op radio RQC 95.0 FM of DAB 12B, elke donderdag van 20 - 22u.
Emission hebdomadaire sur radio RQC 95.0 FM ou DAB 12B, chaque jeudi de 20 à 22 heures.
Weekly radioshow on radio RQC 95.0 FM or DAB 12B, every thursday 20 - 22h Central European Time.

donderdag 6 februari 2014

Playlist 2014 february 6

The Big Four - All Keyed Up
Johhny Sutherland - We'll Have A Time, Yes Siree
Bobby Lord - Hawk-Eye
Kip Anderson - I Wanna Be The Only One
Art Hodes - Funny Feathers
The Weavers - Pay Me My Money Down
Lloyd Nolan - I Don't Know About You
Mary Hankins & The Tiki-Turbans - Ants In My Pants
Kokomo Arnold - Milk Cow Blues
Land Norris - Groundhog
Pete Johnson & His Boogie Woogie Boys - Cherry Red
Church of God In Christ - I'm Gonna Lift Up A Standard for My King
The Rolling Stones - Baby What's Wrong
Eddie Taylor - Stroll Out West
Dee Clark -  Twenty-Four Boy Friends
Pete Cummins - The Surfin' Freeze
Bobby Nelson Quartet - There Ain't Nothin' True About You
Tennessee Thompson & The Boomerangs - Slippin' & Slidin'
Hitch-Hikers - Dog Fight
D.J. Lebowitz - Airplane
The Harbinger Complex - Time To Kill
TC Atlantic - Faces
The Sonics - Psycho
The White Stripes - Boll Weevil
Bad Losers - On Main Street
The Adicts - You're All Fools
Rancid X - Intoxication
The Misfits - Night Of The Living Dead
Big Boys - Mutant Rock
Jetboys - Get The Kids Jumpin'
The Jam - The Modern World
Jet Bronx & The Forbidden - Ain't Doin' Nothin'
Kortatu - After-Boltxebike
Los Perros - Esta Bien
The Mortals - Turn Away

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