Wekelijks radioprogramma op radio RQC 95.0 FM of DAB 12B, elke donderdag van 20 - 22u.
Emission hebdomadaire sur radio RQC 95.0 FM ou DAB 12B, chaque jeudi de 20 à 22 heures.
Weekly radioshow on radio RQC 95.0 FM or DAB 12B, every thursday 20 - 22h Central European Time.

donderdag 9 december 2021

Playlist 2021 december 9

The Contenders - Rise 'N' Shine (1965)
Bix Beiderbecke & His gang - Since My Best Gal Turned Me Down (1927)
Hunter & Jenkins - Lollypop (1933)
Lonnie Clark - Broke Down Engine (1929)
Memphis Minnie - Keep On Eatin' (1938)
Adam Hebert & The Country Playboys - North Side Door (1959)
Clifton Chenier - Choo-Choo Ch'boogie (1976)
Donovan - Hey Gyp (Dig the Slowness) (1965)
Joe Tex - Pneumonia (1956)
Blind Boy Fuller - Mama, Let Me Lay It On You (1936)
Eddie Burns - Hello Miss Jessie Lee (1953)
Frankie Lee Sims - Long Long Gone (1952)
Diane Maxwell - Love Charms (1958)
Ella Fitzgerald - Beat Me Daddy (1960)
The Jesse Powell Orchestra - Let's Talk It Over Baby (1960)
Shelby Smith - Rocking Mama (1962)
Little Richard - True Fine Mama (1957)
Tommy Steele - Drunken Guitar (1960)
Dion & The Belmonts - (I Was) Born To Cry (1962)
The Astronauts - Come Along Baby (1961)
The Excels with Danny Goode - Let's Dance (1965)
John Woolley & Just Born - Ruby Baby (1970)
The Daylighters - Oh Mom (Teach Me How To Uncle Willie) (1964)
The Vacant Lot - Leaving Here (1967)
Uh-Oh-Aw-It's The Bowy Mix-Omatose (Part 3 theme Hippies)
    South Park - Hippie Pest Control
    Hugh Barrett - Fungus Among Us
    Jack Tragic & The Unfortunates - I Kill Hippies
    The Rotters - Stevie Nicks, Sit On My Face
    The Queers - Grenola Head
    Shep Wooley - The Love-In
    The Meatmen - One Down, Three To Go!
    "I'm As Mad As Hell And I Ain't ...."
    Joe Hall & The Corvettes - Bongo Beatin' Beatnik
    Nutley Brass - Last Carress
Mad Daddy - Ride With Me (2021)
The Battlebeats - Stitch Your Heart Up (2020)
Rata Negra - Venid A Ver (2021)
The Ding-Dongs - Blood! Blood! Blood! (2020)
Nasty Rumours - Driving Me Insane (2021)
The Ribbons - El Enviado (2020)
Slander Tongue - Ride (2020)
C.O.F.F.I.N - Fast Love (2020)
The Nerves - Hangin' On The Telephone (1976)
The Nerves - When You Find Out (1976)

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