Wekelijks radioprogramma op radio RQC 95.0 FM of DAB 12B, elke donderdag van 20 - 22u.
Emission hebdomadaire sur radio RQC 95.0 FM ou DAB 12B, chaque jeudi de 20 à 22 heures.
Weekly radioshow on radio RQC 95.0 FM or DAB 12B, every thursday 20 - 22h Central European Time.

donderdag 13 september 2012

Playlist 2012 september 13

Johnny Griffin & Joe Morris Orchestra - Chuck-A-Boogie
Ce Pee Johansen - Got My Gun
Gladys Hill - Please Don't Touch My Bowl
Gunter lee Carr - We're Gonna Rock
Jimmy Hufton - Shiver And Shake
Junior Declovet - Bulldog Bop
Paul McZiel & Wallace Gernger - Tap Dance
Brownie McGhee - Christine
Stick McGhee - One Monkey Don't Stop No Show
Roy Hall - One Monkey Can't Stop The Show
The Dazzlers - Gee Whiz
Fisk University Male Quartet - Swing Low Sweet Chariot
Sister Mary Nelson - Judgement
Carl Story & His Rambling Mountaineers - I Saw The Light
Dewey Balfa - Equand J'Etais petit
Kelly Harrell - I wish I Was A Single Girl Again
Barbecue Bob (Robert Hicks) - Twistin' Your Stuff
The Big Three Trio (Willie Dixon) - Got You On My Mind
T-Model Ford - Cut You Loose
The Other Half - A Lot To Live For
The Paladins - You Make It They Take It
The Ritchie Whites - Stop Me
Bleed - Flat Tire
The Dialtones - Oh Baby Doll!
Poison Idea - The Badge
Dead Kennedys - Winnebago Warrior
Shock - This Generation's On Vacation
Chris Spedding - Get Outa My Pagoda
The Razz - You Can Run
The Real Kids - Make It Go Away
The Meatmen - Come On Over To Mah Crib
Anti-Nowhere League - Streets Of London
Benedict Arnold & The Traitors - Kill The Hostages
The Skulls - Victims
Bastards - Shit For Brains
The Fuknotz - Feedback In Em
Groovie Ghoulies - Ghoulies Are Go!
The Beachbreakers - Lobsterman From Mars

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